Hell and Heaven Net

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Hell and Heaven Net

The site content system has again undergone a change. The links to the content pages have been altered. You might run into a 404 Not Found error. If so, please use the menu to the left to select the page you want. If you see a link on the website linking to an invalid page, please use the contact form to report an invalid link to me and I'll fix it asap.

The members login system has been temporary disabled due to a problems with cookies in IE.

Hell and Heaven Net

A part of our movies and trailers that are available here for download can now also be viewed online with use of our media player. The props of the media player is that the movies are smaller in size, there's no need of codecs or various programs, but only flash. The quality is not as good as the downloaded file, but still is good if you just want to watch the movie.

New movies are also just been added. However, not all movies are available for online viewing yet, some still needed to be converted.

» Movies & Trailers

Okay, I've found official proof of Koby cheating on topsites (again). On FM Topsites in the source code I've found a hidden iframe. And you know that's forbidden, even on his topsites. I've noticed the frame, because my browser keep loading images, but the page was done loading already. I've made a screenshot of the code which can be found here. For people who don't believe me and think the image is manipulated, go check it yourself and you'll see.

So on behalf of this, I ask all webmasters to remove Koby from your affiliates list and remove him from your topsites list for cheating and blaming/insulting other webmasters (like me) from things that are not true (and don't even have proof for it).

Looks like Koby is up to no good again. He never quited actually. >.< On his website he tells that I ripped from his Grandia website. That's so not true. My Grandia games section covers (unique) information made myself. I blacklisted him before, because he ripped thumbnails from me which he says, made himself. He replaced them, but still he keep telling lies that I rip (why should I rip from a website owned by a loser), cheat (I never did, but he did and maybe even doing it still) and spam topsites (I only bad rate Koby's loser websites). The fact is that Koby has ripped and cheated before. I had proof for it. If he tells that I rip, where's the proof then? Without proof no one will believe you and you will only be hated more by other webmasters, seeing you as unreliable and some loser wanting to know better.

Hell and Heaven Net

On the website a new little feature has arrived! A login script for the forums. If you have an account at our forums you can use this form to login. When logged in you can see how many posts you made on the forums.

Due to this new feature roms are no longer available for guests to download. Now you need to be registered member at our forums and have at least 50 posts (with no spam) to download the roms. I've changed this due to the lots of bandwidth the roms are using. And I don't want to exceed my bandwidth every time.

Hell and Heaven Net is back online and functioning after 3½ hours of downtime. Apparently someone else on the server has made too many connections to the MySQL Database server that it gave errors and didn't want to work anymore...
My hosting company just fixed it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I've setup a new link database. At the link database links are listed to official websites and fansites. If you have a fansite and you want it to be added, fill out the form there and link back to Hell and Heaven Net. The form will be send to my email, so I have to manually add the link.

» Link Database

There was a problem with the contact form on the website. Last month I never received the messages send via the form. This was because my host changed something to the requirements of a contact form to reduce spam sent by it.
The problem has just been fixed. If you send a message via the contact form to me in the last month, please resend it.

I'm back from vacation and feeling fresh again. Expect more updates the following weeks since school holidays have started here finally. But first I need to rest a bit.

Today, on my 21st Birthday, I'm going on holiday. I'll be gone for one week and will return next Saterday. The website will not be updated during this time. I'll leave the forums in the hands of the staff untill I return.

Take care all and see ya later!


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