The E3 2013 has ended a couple of days ago and man what an announcements have been made by Square Enix and other companies. Here's a wrap up of this years E3 with the big announcements Square Enix made.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Square Enix's total rebuild MMORPG will also be released on the PlayStation 4 in 2014. A new trailer and gameplay footage has been released and three new classes have been announced: Arcanist, Scholar and Summoner. Beta Phase 3 has just started last Friday and for the first time PlayStation 3 owners can participate.
Final Fantasy XV
Rumors were spreading for months, but it finally was officially announced at Sony's press conference. Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been renamed to Final Fantasy XV and will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and is no longer exclusive anymore. New footage was released and at Square Enix Presents Tetsuya Nomura said that 1 to 2 years after the annoucement of Final Fantasy Versus XIII (that was back in 2006) there were long discussions of renaming the game to Final Fantasy XV, because of the scale and concept of the game.
Kingdom Hearts III
First footage was seen of Kingdom Hearts III showing a mature Sora on Destiny Islands and in Twilight Town fighting a horde of heartless. The game is in development for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.