Side Quests » Chocograph
Here's a list of all the chocograph that you
can get including a small screenshots.
NOTE: These screenshots are made by me, so don't put them on your own site!

Streamside |
"Go check where the river meets the ocean. Kupo!". |
Needed: Field |
Color: Yellow |
received: 2 Elixers, 3 Hi-Potions, 4 Ethers, 2
Germinas Boots |

2. Between Mountains |
Description: "Go look near the mountains facing the
ocean in the southwest side of the Mist Continent." |
Needed: Field |
Color: Yellow |
received: 5 Potions, 5 Hi-Potions. 2 Tents, 2
Cotton Robes |

3. Uncultivated Land |
"The treasure is buried near a river, kupo!" |
Needed: Field |
Color: Yellow |
received: 10 Antidotes, 1 Jade Armlet, 3 Wing
Edges, 1 Cargo Ship Card |

4. Healing Shore |
Description: "I�ve seen a beach that looks like
this near a city with high winds, kupo." |
Needed: Field |
Color: Yellow |
New Chocobo Ability, Shallow. Now Blue Chocobo! |

5. Abandoned Beach |
Description: "There�s a beach near a huge dying
forest. That might be it. Kupo!" |
Needed: Field |
Color: Yellow |
received: 9 Phoenix Pinions, 5 Phoenix Downs, 12
Peridot Gems, 1 Diamond Gloves |

6. Cold Field |
Description: "Looks like a very cold place, kupo..." |
Ability Needed: Field |
Chocobo Color: Yellow |
Items received: 5 Echo Screens, 7 Hi-Potions, 3 Tents, 1
Theater Ship Card |

7. Forgotten Lagoon |
Description: "Kupo! Why not go play in icy-cold
water!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef |
Chocobo Color: Light Blue |
Items received: 8 Gysahl Greens, 5 Ethers, 7 Hi-Potions,
1 Dragon�s Claws |

8. Far Away Lagoon |
Description: "I heard there is a long stretch of
reef.. That might be it, kupo." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef |
Chocobo Color: Light Blue |
Items received: 37 Potions, 6 Magic Tags, 1 Shield Armor,
1 Gaia Gear |

9. Abandoned Lagoon |
Description: "I hear there�s a sunken treasure
near a peninsula in the southern part of the Outer Continent,
kupo." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef |
Chocobo Color: Light Blue |
Items received: 6 Softs, 4 Ethers, 1 Feather Boots, 1
N-Kai Armlet |

10. Bird's Eye Lagoon |
Description: "There are so many small islands
surrounding the Mist Continent, Kupo!� |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef |
Chocobo Color: Light Blue |
Items received: 8 Potions, 4 Phoenix Downs, 3 Ethers, 1
Magician Robe |

11. Small Beach |
Description: "It�s a beach on a small island! A
right place to vacation, kupo." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef |
Chocobo Color: Light Blue |
Items received: 4 Remedies, 2 Elixir, 8 Rising Sun, 1 Oak
Staff |

12. Dawn Lagoon |
Description: "It�s near a city where the night
never ends" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef |
Chocobo Color: Light Blue |
Received: New Chocobo Ability, Mountain. Now a Red
Chocobo. |

13. Dusk Plains |
Description: "What a beautiful sunset, Kupo!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain |
Chocobo Color: Red |
Items received: 12 Phoenix Downs, 14 Ores, 1 Kaiser
Knuckles, 1 Iron Man Card |

14. Green Plains |
Description: "There are treasures on the high plains
too, Kupo!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain |
Chocobo Color: Red |
Received: New Chocobo Ability, Sea. Now a Blue Chocobo! |

15. Forbidden Forest |
Description: "The forest lies where many mountain
ranges merge, Kupo!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain |
Chocobo Color: Red |
Items received: 7 Ethers, 2 Elixir, 10 Wing Edge, 1 High
Mage Staff |

16. Forgotten Plains |
Description: "The long peninsula sort of points to
the location of the treasures, Kupo!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain |
Chocobo Color: Red |
Items received: 17 Ores, 5 Ethers, 14 Opals, 1 Demon�s
Mail |

17. Sea at Dusk |
Description: "There must be more treasures deeper at
the ocean." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea |
Chocobo Color: Blue |
Items received: 15 Phoenix Pinions, 1 White Robe, 1
Diamond, 1 Masamune Card |

18. Ocean |
Description: "Look carefully! There�s a small
reef, Kupo!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea |
Chocobo Color: Blue |
Items received: 27 Ores, 1 Light Robe, 1 Whale Whisker, 1
Alexander Card |

19. Cold Lagoon |
Description: "What a complicated cove, the water
looks very cold, Kupo!" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea |
Chocobo Color: Blue |
Items received: 11 Peridot Gems, 9 Opals, 15 Sapphires,
19 Topaz |

20. Mist Ocean |
Description: "Look around the small islands located
in the northeastern shore of Mist Continent." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea |
Chocobo Color: Blue |
Received: Learned new Ability, Sky. Now a Golden Chocobo! |

21. Outer Island |
Description: "Kupo. It isn�t a very big
island." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky |
Chocobo Color: Gold |
Items received: 21 Amethyst, 16 Garnet, 1 Genji Armor, 1
Ragnarok |

22. Outer Island II |
Description: "I think there�s a desert nearby,
Kupo." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky |
Chocobo Color: Gold |
Items received: 11 Sapphires, 1 Circlet, 1 Pumice Piece,
1 Hilda Garde 3 Card |

23. Fairy Island |
Description: "There�s a mountain in the middle of
the island" |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky |
Chocobo Color: Gold |
Items received: 33 Potions, 15 Annoyntments, 1 Holy
Miter, 1 Dark Matter Card |

24. Forgotten Island |
Description: "What a strange place for an island,
Kupo." |
Ability Needed: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky |
Chocobo Color: Gold |
Items received: 1 Ribbon, 1 Rebirth Ring, 13 Amethyst, 1
Ark Card |