Name: Yuna |
Age: 19 |
After defeating Sin, Yuna returned to her home on Besaid.
The days passed without incident, but still she sensed
something missing in her quiet existence. A movie sphere
that Rikku shows her gives her a reason to journey once
more. For now, life as a sphere hunter gives Yuna the
chance to live on the wild side. Old habits die hard,
though: Yuna still can't walk away from people in need. |

Name: Rikku |
Age: 17 |
Description: In
the two years since she helped Yuna defeat Sin, Rikku
has traveled with other Al Bhed around Spira, teaching
people all there is to know about machina. During the
so-called "search for truth" that overtook
Spira after Sin's defeat, a group of Al Bhed joined the
ranks of sphere hunters. With their airship, the
Celsius, as a base, Rikku and Brother founded the
Gullwings. Rikku invited Yuna to join the Gullwings, and
they have been traveling together ever since. As
always, Rikku's endless supply of energy keeps the team
on their toes. |
Name: Paine |
Age: 18 |
Paine is armed with a one-handed sword and a lukewarm
attitude. It seems she joined the Gullwings because of
something that happened in her past. None of the
Gullwings know exactly what that might be, though. The
often ridiculous antics of the Gullwings tend to prompt
sarcastic remarks from Paine, but the others don't seem
to worry about them much. |

Name: Nooij |
Age: 21 |
Description: The
"meyvn," or leader, of the Youth League. He is
a former Crusader who, repulsed by the actions of New
Yevon, founded the Youth League. He lost his left arm
and leg in battle with Sin. Because of the large number
of hot-blooded youths in the League, they have a
tendency to start trouble. |

Name: Baralai |
Age: 20 |
Description: The
praetor of New Yevon. As their newly elected official,
he is deeply respected by the other party members. New
Yevon takes a conservative approach, their motto being
"One thing at a time." Even so, their furtive
habits-including sphere theft-have earned them a general
lack of trust. |

Name: Gippal |
Age: 18 |
Leader of the Al Bhed Machine Faction. Based in Djose
Temple, the group excavates old machina and researches
the development of machine weapons. |
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Name: Leblanc,
Ormi & Logos (Leblanc Syndicate) |
Age: Unknown |
A group of sphere hunters who stand as rivals to the Gullwings. They make frequent appearances throughout the story. The Syndicate's
organizational skills are said to be unrivalled in Spira. |